Results 75 issues of Philip McGrath

This program: ```racket #lang racket/base (require racket/class racket/gui/base) (make-gl-bitmap 10 10 (new gl-config%)) ``` produces the following error message, both in DrRacket and at the command line: ``` memcpy: contract...

Modifies `path-utils:generate-autosave-name` and `path-utils:generate-backup-name` to respond to preferences stored under `'path-utils:autosave-dir` and `'path-utils:backup-dir`, respectively, which can be used to designate a directory for saving the corresponding automatically-generated files, rather than...

This reorganizes the commits from Modifies `path-utils:generate-autosave-name` and `path-utils:generate-backup-name` to respond to preferences stored under `'path-utils:autosave-dir` and `'path-utils:backup-dir`, respectively, which can be used to designate a directory for saving...

### Describe the bug Bottles says "You don't seem to be connected to the internet", but there is an internet connection. ### To Reproduce 1. Start Bottles. 2. Hover over...

Waiting response
Can't replicate

- [x] I have read []( - [x] I have checked that there is no existing PR/issue about my proposal. ## Summary Generating Racket modules with `(#%declare #:unsafe)` might improve...

good first issue
Feature request
backend: racket

The teaching languages allow you to set the "Fraction Style" to either "Mixed fractions" or "Repeating decimals": ![Screenshot of "Choose Language" window showing the details for the teaching languages.]( However,...


An installed copy of `stex` might have all write permission bits removed, even for the owner of the installed files: this is the case with [Guix package of `stex`](, for...

On Racket 8.9 CS, this program: ```racket #lang typed/racket (: f (case-> (-> 'a 'b) (-> 'x 'y))) (define (f arg) (if (eq? 'a arg) 'b 'y)) (: a->b (->...

See for a motivating example.

Here's a motivating example, inspired by the discussion on Discord: ```racket #lang typed/racket/base (: fib (-> Nonnegative-Fixnum Nonnegative-Fixnum)) (define (fib n) (let loop ([n : Nonnegative-Fixnum n] [prev : Nonnegative-Fixnum...