
Results 6 issues of LiYanan2004

This Error: SWIFT_VERSION '3.0.1' is unsupported, supported versions are: 4.0, 4.2, 5.0. I used SwiftUI and Swift 5.1

![F7586CED-A73F-4398-902B-A72570D14ECC]( 它会把leancloud里面的objectid也放进去

### My Code here: ```swift import SwiftUI import SVGView struct ContentView: View { @State private var data: Data? var body: some View { if let data { SVGView(data: data) }...

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Change default row delimiter to `.standard` to avoid additional `\r` in some fields ## Description In some cases, new line are represented as `\r\n` and in some cases, `\n`. This...

Previous PR that has been closed without merging: #539 Based on #540, older OS still using padding around ScrollView which results in a hard clip. Technically, it's possible to add...