
Results 7 issues of LiShuang-codes

Hello! I run the XRT/test/xrt/13_add_one example. It runs smooothly in hw type. BUT not in sw_emu type. Idont know why. I use v++ to compile cl kernel to xo file...

**What happened and what you expected to happen**: 无。 **How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)**: 无。 **Anything else we need to know?**: 我现在在使用kubeedge做一个项目。这个项目中的一个子项,就是有如下要求 1. 为每个边缘节点创建一个指定的pod,或者其他kind; 2....


### What is version of KubeKey has the issue? 3.0.13 ### What is your os environment? ubuntu 22.04.3, linux 6.5 ### KubeKey config file ```yaml default(single node). ``` ### A...


因为我目前要在集群上部署MPI应用,需要部署在节点中的容器直接通过容器IP互相访问。虽然eggemesh提供了边缘CNI的功能,但是缺少教程,而且最好不要更改kubeedge版本。我目前使用的 是kubeedge1.13,但是部署CNI插件和nodelocaldns始终都不能正常工作。 nodelocaldns的日志如下: ``` 2024/06/14 12:58:34 [INFO] Using Corefile /etc/coredns/Corefile 2024/06/14 12:58:34 [FATAL] Failed to obtain CacheApp instance, err Unable to lookup IP address of Upstream service coredns, env $COREDNS_SERVICE_HOST...


通常,Volcano 直接部署在Kubernetes上。对于部署了KubeEdge,节点以edge身份接入时,Volcano 并不能正常工作,因为不同边缘节点的pod无法直接通信。我现在在尝试将Volcano 加以修改以支持部署在KubeEdge环境。步骤如下: 1. *已完成*在云端创建ssh隧道。在生成config文件时,为worker分配一个端口号。每个worker都会领到一个端口号。 2. *待完成*worker启动后,自动创建ssh隧道。这个工作出现了一个问题。脚本内容如下: ```shell #!/usr/bin/expect -f set timeout -1 # 获取命令行参数 set host [lindex $argv 0] set port [lindex $argv 1] set password [lindex $argv...


### What is version of KubeKey has the issue? k version: &version.Info{Major:"3", Minor:"0", GitVersion:"v3.0.13-dirty", GitCommit:"ac75d3ef3c22e6a9d999dcea201234d6651b3e72", GitTreeState:"dirty", BuildDate:"2023-10-30T11:17:37Z", GoVersion:"go1.19.2", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/arm64"} ### What is your os environment? KylinOS v10 sp1 ###...


**What happened**: pod ip in edge node still be docker ip not configured CIDR ip. for example: ``` root@master:~# kubectl describe pod lm-mpi-job-mpiworker-0 Name: lm-mpi-job-mpiworker-0 ... Status: Running IP:
