Jiaqi Li

Results 7 issues of Jiaqi Li

Thanks a lot for developing fantastic package FlashTorch! I have a question about the inputs. My inputs contains two parts: - the image - additional information of image (one node)...

Hello, I tried to download data but it seems this link (http://www.spatialtranscriptomicsresearch.org) does not work. The browser says the server cannot be found. Could you please help me out? Thanks

您好,请问image_reasoning - clevr数据集具体是哪个?我按文章中的引用找到了https://cs.stanford.edu/people/jcjohns/clevr/,下载了[CLEVR v1.0 (18 GB)],解压后发现图片内容和json中的格式不对应。

Hi, thanks again for your help to solve my previous questions! While training the model in stage 3, I tried to increase the num_frames in the config file, but the...

Hi, thanks for your contribution of new version notears. I have a question, which version of notears should I install? It seems that the original implementation in xunzheng/notears does not...

Hi, Thanks for your idea and work. I would like to figure out how did you deal with unmatched sample size, in other words, two batch sizes are not the...

Hi, thanks for your work of modelscope. I'm trying to download one dataset using "MsDataset.load()" but found that the names of downloaded files are not readable. Specifically, my download code...
