As a side note, after every commit a new build is generated and can be downloaded [here](https://github.com/alexbatalov/fallout2-re/actions). So unless someone wants to actually write their own code, it's not necessary...
language=french must be in fallout2.cfg, fo1_french mod must be enabled in ddraw.ini
Oh, woops. I completely misread the ticket and thought this was the fo1in2 repo. :D Sorry. That said, do you actually have the french language version and do french text...
Et Tu doesn't work with CE yet, because it requires lots of Sfall features that aren't implemented at this time.
I have the car and visited every location. Didn't play further than that, though - I like Fo1 more than 2. All bugs I've found on the way seem to...
I'm biased of course, but with ettu a fo1-re isn't necessary, imo. Even right now we can pretty much do everything we want with it, all the Fo2 features are...
Great, now I can't reproduce it either with that save. It's the third time that I corrupted my saves, and I had high hopes that I've found a reliable way...
This one is broken: [SLOT02.zip](https://github.com/alexbatalov/fallout2-re/files/8661138/SLOT02.zip)
Rae and Vasquez are temporary followers, they will never be in those situations. V13Cave doesn't matter, the current party members are only there to make stuff a bit more pretty....
The code in V13Cave just puts them into a nicer place, that's all it does. If a party member isn't mentioned there, he will just pop up around the player...