A front end for Mana EAP scripts would be really useful. Currently i am running the latest apk from the offensive-security website and it only has front ends for the...
Hiya, I have been working with the tool alot lately and i noticed some things that could improve the tool abit. Hopefully you have some time to implement these features!...
Other LFI methods could be included: - expect:// - phpinfo - access/error logs from known software such as web servers (couldnt find this except the ssh log i believe) -...
When i set a log file path at radiusd.conf (variable 'wpelogfile'), it is ignored and the log file is created at /var/log. When looking at the patch code this seems...
Hi, The output data does not contain info relevant to the msDS-AllowedToDelegateTo attribute, which is set when "Kerberos only" has been enabled for constrained delegation (does not affect the user...
Hi @digininja First of all thank you for all the hard work you put in this tool. Pipal does a great job analyzing passwords. What I noticed is that the...
When enumerating Domain Admins with the parameter `--da` i am missing an account with Domain Admin privileges (also according to `net user /do` i see "Domain Admins" as a group...
I have been testing the functionality lately and it definately has improved alot! When reading the wiki i saw a function that was not mentioned in the default hostapd.conf provided...
When i run the tool inside an Ubuntu VM (VMware Workstation) it crashes and displays the following error: ``` [xcb] Unknown sequence number while processing queue [xcb] Most likely this...