Zoë Turner

Results 21 comments of Zoë Turner

That's resolved it - many thanks! The one character change between icon-packs threw me so I'd completely missed there was fab and fas and far! Thanks for updating the config.toml,...

Found it! That's great and thanks for sharing your WIP site - much appreciated. # End time can optionally be hidden by prefixing the line with `#`. date: "2021-01-25T13:00:00Z" date_end:...

Thanks for looking at this again 😸 I was assuming the database would (or could) have a `created` column and maybe an `edit` column and that the created would lead...

Yes, good point. It might be an idea to merge the two in a vignette. One of the columns come through as a character (for week number) so will need...

I've had a go with monstr https://lextuga007.github.io/PhilosopherAnalyst/posts/2021-02-08-using-monstr-package/ but it didn't look like it was up to date when I did this blog. I'll have a look again. Might be best...

A suggestion to for the Examples for Difficult to understand https://datahazards.com/contents/hazards/difficult-to-understand.html The advanced use of spreadsheets with complicated formulae, macros, VB, multiple tabs with links. It often hides algorithms and...

A suggestion for the Examples for General Hazards https://datahazards.com/contents/hazards/general-hazard.html Issues around data collection/study design. Known missing data or data labels used as a 'catch all'

I thought it was my own settings! I hadn't realised it was on the page itself. Thanks for the update 🙂

Nice, it's ok now (but I had to clear cookies in Edge to refresh it). Thanks

I love these counterpoints! Point 3 is a bit like opportunity cost I guess, if we did A we couldn't do B or C for example? Those are very problem-solving...