when I download this repository and try to use it, I have met a problem like this: H:\SRT\Openpose-based-GUI-for-Realtime-Pose-Estimate-and-Action-Recognition-master\custom AttributeError: __getattribute__ The above exception was the direct cause of the following...
**Describe the bug** Hi, I was trying to use `meshtaichi` to do some work, however I've reached a problem as following link says: [https://github.com/taichi-dev/meshtaichi/issues/6#issuecomment-1482326513](url) ``` Warning: cell_type "tetra" is not...
# Summary I was building UR kit following the instructions in README, however, I have encountered a problem when performing catkin_make. The complete console message is too long, so I...
**Describe the bug** Hi, I was using ANTsPy to register 2D images, but I got 2 dark image as warped result and inverse warped result, I don't understand what's going...