Oleksandr Sh.

Results 23 comments of Oleksandr Sh.

same here. tried different configs, none of them work. But sure, the issue is react-native specific and depends on the initial setup, so I think it should be closed.

Just small comment my side: I have in babelrc: ``` { ... ["module-resolver", { "cwd": "babelrc", "root": ["./"], "alias": { "Components": "./components", } } ] ... } ``` when I...

Used this template as a recipe: https://github.com/echobind/bisonapp/tree/master/template And got similar error: ``` { | stack: 'Error: Cannot use GraphQLScalarType "DateTime" from another module or realm.\n' + | 'Ensure that there...

I know it is right in time, but this logic can be abstracted in `Node` interface: ```ts const Node = interfaceType({ name: 'Node', resolveType: () => null, definition(t) { t.nonNull.string('id',...

I wanted to implement simple schema stitching and old way is now deprecated in favour of Federation. So with nexus the only way to use is through the https://github.com/0xR/graphql-transform-federation The...

We will want to re-use this component in the [image gallery](https://www.figma.com/file/yN0hFyZlKL0Jwbpi0rEKYT/Backpack-Beta?node-id=6889%3A38191), but there are some differences: - it uses [Non-finite indicators](https://www.figma.com/file/yN0hFyZlKL0Jwbpi0rEKYT/Backpack-Beta?node-id=1763%3A18255) (`transform: scale` applied): ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13509022/197133606-4830147d-3d1d-4475-8893-fdf7f93ded91.png) - the indicators are not...

Love the PR, thank you @giriawu ❤️

Any plans on that for Prisma 2?

Most probably error is logged in the next `link` you're using in your ApolloClient setup. If you want to skip logging, you should `null`ify `response.errors` https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/v3.0-beta/data/error-handling/#ignoring-errors