This line (638) in URI's isDirectory method: `return (_path.charAt(path.length - 1) == '/');` should be `return (_path.charAt(_path.length - 1) == '/');` Since **field** `_path` is escaped but **property** `path` is...
Having ``` space kv key k attribute map(string, string) v ``` I did ``` python >>> c.put('kv', 'a', {'v': {'A': '1', 'D': '6'}}) True >>> c.put('kv', 'b', {'v': {'B': '2'}})...
Columns of type JSON result in objects being written as strings with some adapters (redis in my case), e.g.: ``` javascript {"foo": "bar"} ``` yields: ``` javascript "{\"foo\":\"bar\"}" ``` The...
I need a selectable group item to yield _object_ values (not just ids), which works fine with `{{view 'select'}}`. However, with selectable-item-group derivatives, label is messed up. Say we have...