
Results 12 comments of Jan

Sorry, my bad, I wanted to post this to pnp.powershell not pnp.core :( Can someone move this please ?

Am I the only one with this issue, or is just no one modifying the "New" Menu setting via PnP ?

Hi @Studermarc, as described above, the New Menu is modified via UI and then the Command _Get-PnPSiteTemplate_ is executed to produce a local .XML file (removal of default CT with...

@jansenbe before we move this again, might you take a look at it and move it back to its original forum, if required ?

Hmm, so seems like this issue went through the cracks and no one is noticing it anymore :( @jansenbe

We now seem to have three different issues with the same topic - https://github.com/SharePoint/PnP-Sites-Core/issues/1366 - https://github.com/SharePoint/PnP-Sites-Core/issues/1951 - and this one here. The issue still persists and can be recreated with...

Still seems to happen with using SharePoint 2016 on Prem and PnP Core2016 3.16.1912. And if I create the Site Collection without the site column, add the column back into...

It seems to be the part of the PnP Core Code, that handles creation of a Managed Metadata Field and linking it to the ID of the corresponding TermSet. I...

I am getting the same Error. After the Notification: `"This command or command group has been migrated to Microsoft Graph API. Please carefully review all breaking changes introduced during this...

And after digging a bit deeper, the issue is in line 544 of the deploy.ps1. `az ad app create --display-name $appName --required-resource-accesses './manifest.json' --password $global:appSecret --end-date '2299-12-31T11:59:59+00:00'` Looking at the...