Christian Eichmueller
Christian Eichmueller
to be honest, I have currently the same problem that everytime I select one of the thumbnail images and call setState (or in my case notifylistener via the provider package)...
could you run the code in xcode on an iOS emulator and post the error from the xcode console? Most of the time the "Lost connection to device" error is...
having the same issue with the latest package version. @santhoshvgts 4.0.4 of share_plus is working properly for me, but the current one isnt
lets be honest. The package is not maintained anymore and we are all hoping for a messia which will create a new package for this. After I have completed my...
@shofizone , @prateekmedia , @gabrielginter pull requests are highly desired and will lead to a very quick null safety integration ;)
@xaldarof formatting your error log correctly would help immensely
Ran into the same problem but with the method reloadFromOrigin. It seems like this problem comes only in debug mode, yet it still is pretty annoying.
could it be that due to tree shaking the in_app_review package got removed from proguard? maybe try to use this solution and add it to your file # Prevent...
hey, I had the same issue like @nombrekeff. I fixed it quite easily but simply just removing the ic_launcher_foreground.xml file from the android/app/src/main/res/drawable folder. Somehow this always overwrote the other...
hmm this doesnt sound like, it should be done by the package. In case you want this specific functionality, you could implement this directly within your app. What do you...