
Results 10 comments of 于秋

你接口返回的格式对么? 有返回 total这个字段来表示数据总数,好显示分页么? 上传组件打开慢这个跟 chrome的版本有关系。有几个版本是chrome的问题。你试试 QQ浏览器之类的

I'll be glad to submit this to atom-beautify, but i don't know how to do? I am currently focused on https://github.com/LeslieYQ/vue-pagination If you are interested, we can get together. sorry...

thank's, I'll try it next week. Maybe,it's wrong with your Url about add an unsupported language

yes, @Sopamo , I'll solve https://github.com/LeslieYQ/vue-format/issues/1 first, then support sass,less, jade and so on.

it's a bug for ES6. I will fix it as soon as possible

应该是没有读取你要格式化的vue的文件, 我后面加一个判断来报错吧。
