Leslie Owusu-Appiah
Leslie Owusu-Appiah
@cognominal @Bluebie Seeing your comment I just cloned + built. Seems to work well (as of 26th March 2021). - Homebrew (arm64) - NVM, Node, NPM (arm64) - Default Terminal.app...
Hello all. Not sure if the following would help, but I'm attempting this at the moment using [nodejs-mobile-react-native](https://github.com/janeasystems/nodejs-mobile-react-native). To hopefully answer @fmsouza question and confirm @RangerMauve's suggestion: I've found moving...
> Actually, @LeslieOA would you be down for chatting more about how we could collaborate on pushing this RN stuff forward? My email is [email protected] Emailed 🙂
> happens to me too: > > "react-native": "^0.62.2", > "react-native-svg": "^12.1.0", > "react-native-svg-transformer": "^0.14.3", > > Update: Solved. I could't apply the fill due to how the svg was...
@prajwolrg Heya. Thankfully the issue you're experiencing has a quick fix: add `cjs` and `mjs` to `metro.config.js`'s module resolution section (as both NFT and Web3.Storage are CommonJS modules). If you...
@domhofmann okay, okay: I'll do it. Not a loot holder, but pretty handy with this whole "website" thing. Currently [building a mobile web3 browser](https://github.com/localhost-international/cartographer) with my extra bandwidth.
I did it this way: 1. Clone repo to a VM 2. Look at the available methods and say "hell nawww, this looks sketchy" 3. `wget` the `metadata.json` file 4....
I'm having the same issue. It seems `gatsby-source-graphql` only supports token based authentication, or at least: documentation supporting how to auth using Cognito user pools isn't forthcoming. I'm using AppSync...
Hey @fadyanwar. If it helps, we have a JS CLI you can use instead: https://github.com/web3-storage/web3.storage/tree/main/packages/w3.