
Results 9 issues of Leoongithub

Although alpha channel is 0 means color is meaningless, is there an option to not change RGB channels' value?

Leanify supports various kinds of image format except this. I think this format is common.

new format

SumatraPDF version: `3.4.6-64 bit` [Drawing1.pdf](https://github.com/sumatrapdfreader/sumatrapdf/files/9155567/Drawing1.pdf) This file is generated by AutoCAD 2016 DWG To PDF printer. It will insert annotations when dwg file has text. If the annotation is too...

**是遇到了什么问题吗?** 对局中容易误触返回全面屏手势,导致从对局中返回 **那怎么办?** 从对局中返回到主界面时,增加确认对话框

**复规步骤** 通过以下操作,可以再次看到这个 bug: 在游戏任意界面,锁屏后解锁,图像显示位置不正确 **截图** ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10937162/62507075-a30fa600-b835-11e9-8360-2fc3cdddde1c.png) **环境** - 系统:MIUI 10.3.4/Android 9 - 版本:松饼麻雀 0.11.0/0.11.1 **备注** 如果是在对局界面,通过双指缩放可恢复

Is it possible to support double click, right click, middle click and so on by using different hotkeys or CLI options? And during typing mutiple characters, it would be better...

Example: ``` #set page( width: 3cm, height: 3.2cm, ) #lorem(10) #table( columns: 4, [1], [2], [3], [4] ) ``` ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10937162/227076685-2ea54156-9d8b-46f4-9d2f-56513d2cc2d2.png)

`yunna`可以匹配到`云南`,但是`yunnan`匹配不了,似乎是因为会把最后一个`n`当成下一个声母。 版本:Everything V1.4.1.1022 (x64) / IbEverythingExt v0.6-alpha.5


160320版。 (隔了这么久不release一波吗?)