@Creeperface01 What do you mean?
@SupremeMortal @Creeperface01 What is missing from the light implementation?
@Creeperface01 @SupremeMortal yeah, I know that it's the skylight, i meant what exactly is wrong with it? It seems to me that the reading of the light map from the...
Alright, I think I found it, it is Level.updateBlockSkyLight() that is not implemented. https://github.com/NukkitX/Nukkit/blob/f82b9b7c389ff1cdb1f617d19239ee1b7e263e27/src/main/java/cn/nukkit/level/Level.java#L1494 We probably could copy logic from here https://github.com/pmmp/PocketMine-MP/blob/b788982d6000aff12182d4e3d726153581c5420c/src/pocketmine/level/Level.php#L1512
sensors' power output seems to be correct now, but I'm not sure about skylight levels (for example, when I place a block on top of a sensor sensor's skylight value...
There is also a problem with my implementation of BaseFullChunk.populateSkyLight(). Non-exposed blocks have a value of 15 while exposed ones have a value of 0.
The problem is that getHeldItemSlot() returns -1 if the slot is empty and I can't understand why.