Hi @catchrishi, can you share the exacts commands you ran? Have you tried to install.packages( ‘nloptr’) and install.packages( ‘glmnet’) directly?
Hi @catchrishi, 1. First, please make sure you have the latest R version installed in your devserver 2. It seems your devserver is on LINUX. If so, please read this...
Now we made sure we ran both things I suggested, try to make a fresh new directory where to save and run from your code: E.g. `cmake /home/usr/Downloads/Robyn` Like this...
@catchrishi have you been able to find the root cause of the problem?
Hi @catchrishi , @HasanShaukat hope you are well. I created a docker image in case it helps to run things on LINUX. LMK if that helps! https://hub.docker.com/layers/leosentana/robyn/latest/images/sha256:fd701fe582d1314d4baae99b6daa664f210b21e310006d003c8c42710ab70382
Adding my 2 cents, could you please share clearly how model_result$OutputCollect$xDecompVecCollect looks like? Moreover, do you happen to have many periods of time with zero investment in channels? (days, weeks...
Hi @DioneyC, Are you sure that /path/anaconda3/envs/r-reticulate/bin/ is the right path where you have python installed? Does py_config() mention anything on this? Thanks
Hi @DioneyC, all I can offer you is to try docker. It has been useful for Linux users, you can check the files in https://github.com/facebookexperimental/Robyn/tree/main/R/Docker. Also docker image is here:...
Please check my calcs done on the last comment here: https://github.com/facebookexperimental/Robyn/issues/227
So, this would be almost the same but changing to response instead of spend. Does that make sense? Taking the example from https://github.com/facebookexperimental/Robyn/issues/227 you would need to do the following...