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Error while installing Robyn on the server
Project Robyn
Error while installing Robyn on the server
ERROR: dependencies ‘glmnet’, ‘nloptr’ are not available for package ‘Robyn’
- removing ‘/home/mgholmieh/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.1/Robyn’ Warning messages: 1: In i.p(...) : installation of package ‘nloptr’ had non-zero exit status 2: In i.p(...) : installation of package ‘glmnet’ had non-zero exit status 3: In i.p(...) : installation of package ‘/tmp/RtmpgkrYTY/file68bb6d36066a/Robyn_3.6.1.tar.gz’ had non-zero exit status
Provide dummy data & model configuration
Environment & Robyn version
R version latest
Hi @catchrishi, can you share the exacts commands you ran? Have you tried to install.packages( ‘nloptr’) and install.packages( ‘glmnet’) directly?
We were unable to solve the errors we are facing when installing Robyn.
The errors are mainly related to two packages: "nloptr" and "glmnet" which are not getting installed:
We tried installing them separately as well as installing packages and dependencies related to these two but this was unfruitful.
Can your team please help in debugging this error? We want to move forward with this and implement Robyn as soon as possible.
This is the root error we are getting when trying to run : install.packages ("nloptr")
and when trying to install "nlopt" :
Hi @catchrishi,
First, please make sure you have the latest R version installed in your devserver
It seems your devserver is on LINUX. If so, please read this Where available as a suitable version, install the -dev package from the distro. Here the command is
sudo apt install libnlopt-dev
after which configure in the R package sees, and also gets to use it as the corresponding shared library itself gets installed from the libnlopt0 package. (The -dev package is always needed for building as opposed to merely running via the shared library package). -
Also read this, if the solution above does not work: similar solution:
sudo apt-get install libnlopt-dev
You haven't sent me any error log for glmnet, maybe you can try the same as libnlopt?
Hey @Leonelsentana, working with @catchrishi on this
I tried the commands you sent, we already have the newest version of libnlopt
As for the R version, we have R 4.1.2 Despite doing this, still getting the same error that was sent earlier (source directory does not exist)
Thanks for the help!
Now we made sure we ran both things I suggested, try to make a fresh new directory where to save and run from your code:
E.g. cmake /home/usr/Downloads/Robyn
Like this case:
@Leonelsentana @catchrishi I'm getting the same error. Were you able to resolve it?
@catchrishi have you been able to find the root cause of the problem?
It's still not clear, but as per my discussions, it looks like more of an internal IT restrictions than the Robyn package itself.
Hi @catchrishi , @HasanShaukat hope you are well. I created a docker image in case it helps to run things on LINUX. LMK if that helps!
Please reopen if this issue reoccurs.