Leon Hammerla
Leon Hammerla
possible fix: add **kwargs to forward method in model.py of transformer_srl_dependency model?
my usage: config = {'cacheSize': 5000, 'pipelineCaching': True, 'maxCheckThreads': multiprocessing.cpu_count()} config['fasttextBinary'] = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "data", "fasttext", "cc.de.300.bin") grammar_tool = language_tool_python.LanguageTool("de-DE", config=config) grammar_tool.disabled_rules = ['COMMA_PARENTHESIS_WHITESPACE'] loading works just fine, but when i...
it doesnt even work with minimal config like: grammar_tool = language_tool_python.LanguageTool("de-DE") (same ERROR)
1) I tried to pip uninstall and install again 2) also uninstalled and installed the language-tool 5.7 part that gets downloaded and stored in .cache (and i use the latest...
The Error was due to not enough disk space on my end. So the problem is solved. thx
@neofob did this and doesnt work...gettign same error ;(