> > > I made change in code in prepare_data, is it enough, I can still get the results with this new change > > > ``` > > >...
> > > > > I made change in code in prepare_data, is it enough, I can still get the results with this new change > > > > >...
> 能否提供一下你的代码环境,包括python版本、GPU型号以及各种库的版本 你好python版本是3.7,使用的是cpu跑的,然后其他模型可以跑,但是使用下载提供的转化后的百度网盘guwen也显示如上错误 以下是版本 absl-py==1.4.0 astor==0.8.1 asynctest==0.13.0 bert4keras==0.11.1 blinker==1.4 brotlipy==0.7.0 cycler==0.11.0 fonttools==4.38.0 gast==0.2.2 grpcio==1.51.3 h5py==2.10.0 importlib-metadata==6.0.0 Keras==2.3.1 kiwisolver==1.4.4 MarkupSafe==2.1.2 matplotlib==3.5.3 mkl-fft==1.3.1 mkl-service==2.4.0 numpy==1.21.6 packaging==23.0 Pillow==9.4.0 protobuf==3.20.3 pyasn1-modules==0.2.8 pyparsing==3.0.9 python-dateutil==2.8.2 PyYAML==6.0...