Apparently the albums in the Artist view are sorted by year in decending order. It would be nice to also display the year for each album. On the other hand,...
**TLDR**: *dns resolve of wildcard domain not working when on first subdomain level (*.example.com) while update works* 1. Is this urgent: No 2. DNS provider(s) you use: INWX 3. Program...
Hi there, I am looking into building this project to replace my rPi and openWRT based clients which annoy me with either too long boot time or too high power...
Hi all, I found some time today to retry getting squeezelite to run on my Louder ESP32. Most of the time, the first attempt to connect to my home wifi...
Hi there, I would like to start contributing to this project. My c-coding-abilities are limited so I'd like to learn on the way and maybe start with getting the documentation...
Hi, is any way of adding Ethernet connection currently supported? I noticed a setting in the menuconfig. Does anyone have any experience with that? There are some examples around for...
Working config for an ESP32 (tested on ESP-WROOM-32 module using ESP32-D0WD-V3 chip revision v3.0) with a PCM5102A DAC, using the following PINS: CONFIG_MASTER_I2S_BCK_PIN=26 CONFIG_MASTER_I2S_LRCK_PIN=25 CONFIG_MASTER_I2S_DATAOUT_PIN=22 CONFIG_PCM5102A_MUTE_PIN=33 enables DSP and soft...