The T57 Heavy, AMX 13 105, Panhard EBR 75 (FL 10), Panhard EBR 90, STB-1, Type 61, Chimera and AMX M4 mle. 54 all seem to have broken or missing...
It is now entirely unusable.
None of us seem to be coders so we completely rely on the two that are. Otherwise this development is dead, and it was a good one too.
It was a fun ride everyone but this program is down.
It just feels like you guys lost all time for it and it is sad, cause Tank Inspector was always fun to mess around with.
Just warning you guys.
I have noticed it will crash if you try to return to a tank you loaded up before. This makes comparing them very complicated.
I think Tank Inspector needs a fix before it is completely out of date.
Almost all of the tanks have broken track models, their tracks are covered in holes and missing textures. Also it crashes when you view a tank you were last on...