Leo Borai
Leo Borai
> I accepted the suggested changes, thank you @EstebanBorai for that. Should I squash and rebase or will that be done via the Github UI during the merge process? Thanks...
@AnthonyMBonafide can you please update the patch number in the Fluvio Types crate? https://github.com/infinyon/fluvio/actions/runs/7523340311/job/20491819953?pr=3815#step:13:244
Re-running jobs!
@sehz @AnthonyMBonafide looks like we are missing another definition for SPUs perhaps?
> Just an update: I am still working on fixing this, I am just going to need some time as I work on this in my spare time and I...
> Hi, I want to take a look into this :slightly_smiling_face: Of course! Feel free to ask any questions here!
@matheus-consoli not sure if you are in our Discord already, but just un case: https://discord.gg/3nBFxRZy. There you can have access to a quicker prompt!
> I just merged #1391. Can you rebase master into this branch? :) Hi! Sure!
Hi @drager! I think this is good to go now!
Hi @bigdogs! I see [`last_os_error`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/io/struct.Error.html#method.last_os_error) may provide more details on the error in question. For the current implementation, and to have backwards compatibility, I think we could use that to...