Leo Borai
Leo Borai
I'm using Rocket + Async-Graphql and my solution so far involves using the `ctx` injected in the mutation from `use async_graphql::Context;` ([here](https://docs.rs/async-graphql/latest/async_graphql/context/type.Context.html)). I'm using `cookie = "0.16.0"` to build the...
Hi @oavanruiten ! I'm using this library too and also found myself in the same requirement. I ended up using `cron-validator` [npm package](https://www.npmjs.com/package/cron-validator) to validate the syntax. I think its...
Hi! Any news on support for v2 in this crate?
Hey @ratulb! Yes you are right, we need a way to run the server without serving the FileExplorer. Perhaps to keep backwards compatibilty we could have a `--no-explorer`? Let me...
> > I already made a pull request for this exact feature here: #374 . I called the flag`--use-index` but you can easily rename it to anything else > >...
Hi @ratulb and @Antosser! I think we have a valuable discussion here, what do you guys think about working together on polishing this feature in @Antosser PR https://github.com/http-server-rs/http-server/pull/374 via code...
I will take a look at this!
Interesting, I changed geckodriver's code but chromedriver is failing here 🤔 https://github.com/rustwasm/wasm-pack/actions/runs/8069923360/job/22046060320?pr=1371#step:7:472
Okay, seems global: https://github.com/rustwasm/wasm-pack/actions/runs/8069923360/job/22046060320?pr=1371#step:7:469
The version fetched from https://googlechromelabs.github.io/chrome-for-testing/last-known-good-versions.json seems to be cached in tests environments, due to the fact that fetching such URL returns: `"channel":"Stable","version":"122.0.6261.94","revision":"1250580"` while both tests in different PRs point to:...