Leonard Nürnberg
Leonard Nürnberg
Using any of the four arrow keys (up, down, left, right) in a keyMatcher ([as per the docs](https://fkhadra.github.io/react-contexify/add-keyboard-shortcut)) does not prevent the arrow navigation inside the context menu. A possible...
Thanks to the authors for the interesting work and for sharing your code. I'd love to reproduce the results presented at MICCAI23. However, I couldn't find `best.pt` following the link...
The folowing test line fails if the url ends with a trailing '/'. https://github.com/Slicer/ExtensionsIndex/blob/466d0f864072966f730d5f2d9c357a16c213c284/scripts/check_description_files.py#LL84C5-L84C95 I'd suggest we either remove trailing slashes or, if trailing slashes are discouraged, we could implement...
Dear nnUNet team, We are currently facing challenges when running nnUNet in Docker containers. The requirement to use flags like `--ipc=host` or `--shm-size` for `torch.multiprocessing` (as reported and discussed in...