Johnson Zhong

Results 25 comments of Johnson Zhong

Can confirm this also happens when adding new runs.

Hi, what is the input `obs` that you're feeding into `ctrl.command`? It should be a `torch.tensor` or convertible type (such as list, or numpy ndarray) of size `nx` or `K...

I see, this seems to be a relatively big problem since even adding noise didn't resolve tie-breaking (tried rand up to magnitudes up to 1).

I see, I tried this again and the critical line is decreasing the temperature. There is a new issue however with some hallucinated values such as: ``` 42.00003 , 84.00015...

The spurious values seems to be from `IndexedMatmul2Efficient` in aggregating the output (produce z from W) instead of from the `log_softmax`. For example, the W of querying for k=3 nearest...

Fixing this by normalizing each output distribution removes the spurious values, but still ends up selecting the center value multiple times because of aggregation via expected value. It seems like...

@bottler Yes there are a couple, including the NICP (with implementation; J. Serafin and G. Grisetti (2014): ‘NICP: Dense normal based pointcloud registration’, International Conference on Intelligent Robots and...

I am currently investigating this problem and seeing how well existing solutions handle some related conditions (3D NDT and SDF to SDF registration methods), as well as developing my own.... preliminary results on YCB mustard bottle registration with ICP using 5 known surface points (shown as black crosses, with a blue line coming out of them indicating their normal)....