Results 48 comments of LemADEC

For the record, the EntityJoinWorldEvent forge event also appears to be missing.

That code is way more complicated than it needs to be. Here's what I use in my mod (pure forge) https://github.com/LemADEC/WarpDrive/blob/MC1.12/src/main/java/cr0s/warpdrive/Commons.java#L1067-L1098

For the record, a similar issue is reproduced with the pit/kiln from Pyrotech using SpongeForge 1.12.2-2838-7.2.1-RC4010 and pyrotech-1.12.2-1.4.26. Issue isn't reproduced with SpongeForge 1.12.2-2838-7.1.9-RC3981 and pyrotech-1.12.2-1.4.26.

I was able to grab a short profiling while the server is frozen in that PhaseContext.close() call: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4776032/65394429-4db03980-dd8e-11e9-87a0-b0cac50769d5.png) That's in SMP with SpongeForge: 1.12.2-2838-7.1.7-RC3924 Minecraft Forge: JVM: 1.8.0_212/64-bit (Oracle...

Any further information needed?

This seems a consequence of level_sponge.dat incorrectly referencing to dimensionId 8 for the overworld: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4776032/56498479-1c42f180-6502-11e9-8f10-6b99cd99dd2b.png) Here's the expected values in that file: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4776032/56498492-37adfc80-6502-11e9-9a58-64ece7b712f5.png) Corruption might be related to a Nucleus...

I see the same Nucleus exception everytime a MystCraft dimension is created. The one I've posted (2019-04-21-3.log 19:55:56) is the only time it appeared during boot. At time of the...

Issue was reproduced today with spongeforge-1.12.2-2768-7.1.6-RC3683 + forge-1.12.2- + Nucleus-1.9.3-S7.1-MC1.12.2 + mystcraft-1.12.2- (as part of SkyFactory4 4.0.3). The timeline goes as: 2019-05-01 09:35:12 server boot, see https://gist.github.com/LemADEC/5d12e1f43ef29e9652f9ec86d81ac4f1 13:11:02 backup done,...

Proposed hack fails for me: 1- Created new world with custom modpack (SMP) 2- Create a few MystCraft dimensions, connect/disconnect => ok 3- Restart server => ok 4- Try to...

When using the descriptive book, I expect to switch to that dimension. Practically, after the restart, it loads the dimension (according to logs), but it doesn't move me to another...