
Results 30 comments of Lele

cosmetic loadouts have been removed few months ago and are now all stored in athena directly

Hi, 1. This API is not a "Capture"??? 2. Maybe show us the request and response you get

That's NOT how you authenticate... You mixed fortnite-api.com stats with epic games unofficial API. Checkout the getting started guide in this repo https://github.com/LeleDerGrasshalmi/FortniteEndpointsDocumentation/tree/main/EpicGames/AccountService/Authentication#getting-started

yes, using the `stw-motd` surface example request from the game: ```http POST https://prm-dialogue-public-api-prod.edea.live.use1a.on.epicgames.com/api/v1/fortnite-br/surfaces/stw-motd/target HTTP/1.1 Host: prm-dialogue-public-api-prod.edea.live.use1a.on.epicgames.com Accept: */* Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip Content-Type: application/json X-Epic-Correlation-ID: FN-ok5NYVFEmEmsYnsR5Jrmzw User-Agent: Fortnite/++Fortnite+Release-28.01-CL-30106568 Windows/10.0.19045.1.768.64bit Authorization: bearer...

With that said, i just pushed the Caldera Service (:

Gallery Service turns out to be used for Psot Party (Game Clips App) Got released today i think, well atleast today officially posted with blogpost... so uh whenever i have...

Finally pushed what ive dont on account service yet

Lightswitch Service got added (small)

Pushed Links Service and some fixes

Added EOS Platform & PRM Dialog Service