
Results 2 issues of LeilaKhajavi

bash mixcr exportPlots diversity -Xmx90g --metadata metadata.csv --plot-type violin --primary-group event --primary-group-values NO,YES,none --hide-non-significant --p-adjust-method BenjaminiHochberg --method Wilcoxon postanalysis/PostgEvent.json postanalysis/Figures/eventDIVERSITYplots.pdf 09:37:51.048 INFO - Debug mode enabled. 09:37:51.051 INFO - allocation...

hello running the following command resulted in the following error: ~/RIMA_pipeline$ snakemake -s RIMA.snakefile -np Building DAG of jobs... MissingInputException in line 96 of modules/mutation/mutation_cohort.snakefile: Missing input files for rule...