Use Cases: **Closed Loop Notifications** 1) Any variable in any instrument (ie: a 'Trigger' for suicidality - example: the candidate is filling out a form, in RedCAP to be imported...
[Excel file](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sw1YBCDEjZyLJpOd-wBkyMSbm5ioFta4tfdFMP0Bczs/edit?usp=sharing) overview of number of endpoints and integration tests **Testing Tasks** - [x] Make sure integration tests cover all endpoints - #8531 - [x] Check if automated tests are...
## Issues ## Comments - **insert comments here** ## Status - [x] Testing COMPLETE - [x] Partially Tested - [ ] Could Not Test (please specify reasons in comment) Link...
Some of the tables in the 0000-00-00-schema.sql file have comments attached to them. ie the comment on the history table is "This table keeps track of ongoing changes in the...