Lehao Lin
Lehao Lin
Error shown as below ``` TypeError: Jimp.read is not a function at eval (webpack:///./node_modules/replace-color/src/replace-color.js?:43:10) at new Promise () at module.exports (webpack:///./node_modules/replace-color/src/replace-color.js?:20:10) at IpcMainImpl.eval (webpack:///./src/background.js?:222:5) ``` And my code in the...
建议出个像nodejieba和node-segment差不多的关键词提取模式 通过不同词的权重来对关键词进行提取 nodejieba关键词提取: ``` var nodejieba = require("nodejieba"); var topN = 4; console.log(nodejieba.extract("升职加薪,当上CEO,走上人生巅峰。", topN)); //[ { word: 'CEO', weight: 11.739204307083542 }, // { word: '升职', weight: 10.8561552143 }, // {...
I am not familiar with circom code. But I try to write a PReLU.circom, PReLU_test.circom, PReLU.js I found that PReLU is quite similar to Leaky_relu, but the main difference is...
刚刚少交了一行 I just miss one line in the past closed pr