
Results 18 comments of leetao

@taseikyo 这种情况应该是诚通网盘的问题~~现在城通网盘的链接下载速度越来越慢了~~晚点考虑把诚通网盘搜索结果移除了

@taseikyo 有啥好的源可以推荐一下,到时候我给加上

@taseikyo 下个版本就把鸠摩搜书加上,把城通网盘的链接全部过滤

@mjhea0 last commit was 8 months ago, it seems that the project was not maintained

I meet same problems,any solutions ?

i fix it by using [luanpotter/audioplayers](https://github.com/luanpotter/audioplayers)

好的~我本周调整一下,然后重新 release 一个版本

这个问题已经在 [v1.6.5](https://github.com/LeetaoGoooo/RSSAid/releases/tag/v1.6.5) 修复了

Hey, i'd like to work on this one,any good advice for me?

I hava already fix this one,you can see my last commit [#1](https://github.com/cool-RR/PySnooper/compare/master...lt94:master), but got no idea about how to test color. would you mind giving me some help,thx~