vscode-leetcode icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vscode-leetcode copied to clipboard

Solve LeetCode problems in VS Code

Results 217 vscode-leetcode issues
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## 🚀 Feature Proposal Provide a way to refresh solved status cache ## Motivation When use vscode-leetcode in different machine, the problem solved status are inconsistent, can we have way...

## 🐛 Bug Report It turns to "undefined" window, when I click "submit" ## Your Environment - *os*: MacOS - *extension settings*: - *nodejs version*: v14.8

Now you can select problem of today from the navigation section of the LeetCode page. Support CN and EN endpoints. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11037722/130629999-9c0235a4-f268-4c92-b6dd-3e512483b48f.png) This feature used my updated version of `vsc-leetcode-cli`, which...

## 🐛 Bug Report I can't log into my [leetcode.com](https://leetcode.com) account via vscode plugin, but I can log in with the same email & password in the browser. In contrast,...

help wanted

## 🐛 Bug Report There's a serious catch I found on Lintcode, whenever I try to login it doesnt redirect me to my profile page or problems section, don't know...

## 🚀 Feature Proposal Add `TypeScript` type declaration file of leetcode's built-in data structures to the workspace root (such as `~/.leetcode`) automatically when users open a leetcode workspace with language...

## 🚀 Feature Proposal A clear and concise description of what the feature is. ## Motivation Please outline the motivation for the proposal. ## Contribution Please describe the solution if...

Add support for customized order of shotcut button, in the order specified by "leetcode.editor.shortcuts" in setting.json. This also avoids mistaking "Submit" for "Test". ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25954059/176576320-89b18d5d-becb-4ec4-8d79-f4e2190803ab.png)

I'm closing this issue for now since this issue should be fixed with #212. We will release the fix recently in `0.13.1`. If you still have problems after using `0.13.1`,...