Hi!After my training on my own dataset, it said my background AP is 0 and my interest class AP is 0.905, so I wanna know why the background AP is...
Here is the text: > AP for __backgroud__ = 0.0000 > AP for myclass = 0.9025 > Mean AP = 0.4513 >~~~~~~~~ >Results: >0.000 >0.903 >0.451 >~~~~~~~~
Yes, I have. For me, it was just a small mistake with wrong spelling of 'background'.Good luckfrom Lee.rw-------- 原始邮件 --------主题:Re: [rbgirshick/py-faster-rcnn] AP = 0 & mAP = 0 (#610)发件人:DuanKaiwen 收件人:rbgirshick/py-faster-rcnn...
Can you describe it in detail?from Li Renwu
@wubaorong I have not met this problem, it seems your `dw` or `dh` is overflow, perhaps you can check your image's size, lol, my idea may not work, good luck
I have encountered a problem after I trained a model, the miou is fine, but when I restore the model and run test.py, I got nothing but the model segment...
I have the same issue. @alexfikl have you fixed that?
@akaszynski thank you! this works!
@tasx0823 did you have some findings?
> > Yes, I have seen it work fine even after throwing this warning. Not sure about every possibility, though. You can check the timestamps of your IMU messages and...