没有提示错误信息。似乎是软件不能联网, check for updates 时,显示: Failed to update wewechat :( An error occurred in retriving update information, Please try agin later.
https://login.weixin.qq.com/qrcode/YYjlZKbwKA== 不通过代理服务是加载不出二维码的,以上的链接是我ssr连接代理服务器,在浏览器登录web微信,刷出来的二维码。 昨天描述有误, 二维码只能在通过网络代理的情况下才能刷出。
在软件中加代理该怎么操作, 给些指导吧~
C++, absolutely.
The code in video_emption_gender_demo.py : line7: from utils.datasets import get_labels , what's the name of package ? how can i install it?thx!
I tried the utils. opencv-utils, both of them don't work. Could you give some advices?