SAME issue from CRAN download: > install.packages("mlr3verse") Installing package into ‘/Users/Lee/Library/R/x86_64/4.1/library’ (as ‘lib’ is unspecified) trying URL 'https://cloud.r-project.org/bin/macosx/contrib/4.1/mlr3verse_0.2.8.tgz' Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 28715 bytes (28 KB) ================================================== downloaded 28 KB...
Hi, Thank you very much for such a prompt reply. This is indeed a mystery as mlr3verse worked on my workplace desktop but failed as detailed in the post on...
Thank you very much @bblodfon ! I will work on these and get back to you soon!
[custom measure ICI mlr3.R.zip](https://github.com/mlr-org/mlr3proba/files/15264357/custom.measure.ICI.mlr3.R.zip) **UPDATED analysis** Hi John, Thank you very much once again! Below is a simple worked example of implementing ICI and the smoothed calibration plot using hazard...
@bblodfon Thank you very much! I have posted an answer to the SO question. I should be able to construct the plot and ICI manually now post benchmark. I will...
Hi John, Please see the updated analysis above - hope it is concise and clear for you to follow. Please let me know if anything needs clarification. I will revisit...
No worries & Thank you John for pointing me to the existing calibration plots - I will have a look at the code there and see if I can imitate...
Hi @bblodfon, Thank you very much. Please excuse my ignorance, but could you please provide me with some instruction on what PR involves? I have uploaded a zip file in...
Thanks @bblodfon, will give it a go next week.
Hi @bblodfon, sorry about the delay in getting the PR done. I encountered an issue that I am not sure how to solve. Please see attached screenshot of the code...