Janggun Lee
Janggun Lee
We have updated the grading script to partially allow `SeqCst` ordering. You will still need to use more relaxed orderings with `fence`s to get full points.
I forgot to mention it above, but since the grading script has changes, all previous submissions are nullified, so please submit again. Assignments that had gotten full scores before should...
The due date has been updated from 11/18 -> 12/03
2022/09/26: There will be no quiz for today.
We use the server to provide students a common, strong environment to work with. If you are fine with working on your local VM, then please do so, but note...
- Client: Sorry... I was a bit confused. You can use any env with suitable ssh ability as client, you don't have to use ubuntu. - sudo: we did not...
Great! I think all questions are answered, so I will close this issue.
@jeong0982 I updated the links. Can you check again?
We have updated the grading script to partially allow `SeqCst` ordering. You will still need to use more relaxed orderings to get full points.
I forgot to mention it above, but since the grading script has changes, all previous submissions are nullified, so please submit again. Assignments that had gotten full scores before should...