Hi Bruce, Thank you very much for your software! As a relatively frequent user, after migration on the Gentoo Linux I wrote ebuilds for Ifeffit, Xraylarch, and Demeter, so now...
There is an issue with jitsi-bin - the structure of sources has been modified, ebuild is not compiling. See for details. There is a suggestion to use a following...
" checking for WIDEC_CURSES... no ERROR: There is no wide character support on curses "
There are two issues: - "gtk" USE-flag meant to be "gtk2", but has to be removed or properly communicated to config - some icons are common for two slots; that...
Some issues with libinfinity: "checking for infinote... no configure: error: Package requirements (libinfinity-0.6 libinftext-0.6 libinfgtk3-0.6 libinftextgtk3-0.6) were not met"
The error is >>> Compiling source in /var/tmp/portage/media-gfx/svgcleaner-0.9.5/work/svgcleaner-0.9.5 ... Updating index warning: spurious network error (2 tries remaining): failed to resolve address for Temporary failure in name resolution;...