Good afternoon, I am having issues with GDCPrepare with the CPTAC-3 dataset for scRNA-seq data. I have successfully downloaded the data with ``` #Query the data query.exp
Good afternoon, Is there a simple way of converting a Seurat Object to a ExpressionSet? I need it for a particular type of analysis. Thanks a lot!
Good morning, I wonder if anyone can answer this question: If I subset my Seurat object into celltype A and celltype B and then I merge it back together I...
Good afternoon, I would love to use your package however I am using an older R version. Any idea how I could install it? Error message: ERROR: this R is...
Good morning, I was wondering whether you could advice me on the following: I have a Cox survival model in R (function coxph), which ,among other variables (e.g. age, sex),...