
Results 10 comments of LeLobster

You can edit the els source file and replace on line 133-135 ``` when '*' extension = 'ex' icon = :executable ``` with ``` when '*' if @classify extension =...

Even though GRIS says it is Steam Deck verified on the store page I can not get it to run. Tried Proton 8.0-5, 6.3-8 and GE-Proton8-28 & 30 but it...

In case anyone comes by here while trying to build twmn and runs into the same error (like I did earlier) ``` export QT_SELECT="qt5" qmake cd twmnd/ && qmake &&...

Yes, exactly. Another good example could be the following. > i have someone i only watch when he's streaming his World Records attempts for Super Mario 64. > So i...

Do you mean enabling/disabling the showing of the tags being included in the 'extra info in panel' checkbox in the options menu? If so, yeah sure. That's totally fine. If...

Ah, yes. I can imagine that saving a lot of extra work. About:config options are perfectly fine. Though it might be too 'hidden' for regular users, if you know what...

Lol yeah, i guess that's true.

Has there been any progress with this one? I did some looking around and found you can access their API by > http://www.panda.tv/api_room?roomid=*** `{"errno":0,"errmsg":"","data":{"hostinfo":{"rid":32606130,"name":"Puppey","avatar":"http:\/\/i6.pdim.gs\/365c44508bce99005c1ac94858e404e0.jpeg","bamboos":"196946"},"roominfo":{"id":"3334","name":"Secret Puppey","type":"1","bulletin":"[\u6218\u672f\u5927\u5e08]Puppey","details":"","person_num":"0","classification":"DOTA2","fans":"5608","speak_interval":"2","banned_reason":"","status":"2","unlock_time":"0","watermark_switch":"2","watermark_loc":"1","cover_status":"2","cover_timestamp":1478799738,"cover_reason":"","mild_remind_status":"2","mild_remind_timestamp":1478799738,"mild_remind_reason":"","account_status":"1","pictures":{"img":"http:\/\/i5.pdim.gs\/45\/8891030439a57abc3fbded3f84bc9d33\/w338\/h190.jpg","qrcode":"http:\/\/i9.pdim.gs\/f0b165a12a7f493735e92d0d2c43428b.png"},"start_time":"1472652408","end_time":"1472661434","cate":"dota2","remind_content":"","remind_time":"0","remind_status":"0"},"videoinfo":{"name":"dota","time":"6147330","stream_addr":{"HD":"0","OD":"0","SD":"1"},"room_key":"9168ebeb045eab9bbb5368c0d9f8d8df","plflag_list":"{\"backup\":[\"4_7\",\"5_9\",\"6_14\",\"12_24\"],\"current\":\"\",\"default\":true,\"main\":\"2_3\",\"update_time\":\"\"}","plflag":"2_3","status":"3"},"chatinfo":[],"userinfo":{"rid":-40147133,"is_followed":"0","sp_identity":"0"}}}` Not sure if there's anything...

According to my past 10 minutes research "status":"2" is online, "status":"3" is offline

Not sure what you mean, the link to a channel contains the room ID. i.e.: `http://www.panda.tv/181469` And in the API: `panda.tv/api_room?roomid=181469` it's `"roominfo":{"id":"181469"`