will take a look at this this weekend.
To me, it is an "extra tool" that can be used for a lot of things other than it's implementation for Nodz, so it shouldn't live inside Nodz. I want...
Hey @glm-nchaverou I'm not really supporting this anymore by lack of time. I've a big update sitting at home that I haven't touched in a while but would like to...
Hi guys, Sorry for the delayed reply. At the moment I'm completely re working the project in the background but it's difficult for me to find the time. The goal...
Hi, I will take a look when I have some free time
Sorry guys, I really don't have time to look into this. @morganloomis, feel free to submit a pull request if you can get it to work.
Can you do it with a flag to enable/disable directly exposed at attribute creation ? Thanks ;)
Sounds good !
It was just how i designed it for a specific use case. But it should be fairly simple tu modify.