Dominik Wagenknecht

Results 14 comments of Dominik Wagenknecht

Having some win32 API experience from the past the closest you get to a Unix socket on win32 is a [named pipe]( I have however not yet checked if there's...

Wanted to share my view: In the last ~6-7 years I've seen a fair share of clients and projects going for stronger choreography often mis-using especially Kafka as a message...

I just did a fresh install on a 3B+ with the 64bit Raspberry OS; only missing dependency (otherwise just like described) was `libdbus-1-dev`, I did _only_ try Bluetooth though, my...

Yeah, it's pretty interesting times. A good webview lib with some features like menus, etc... makes a quite solid foundation for any app 👍

I'm also trying to get pnpm working -- what holds me back is that `expo-modules` (bootstrapped cleanly from the expo modules template) plain out refuses to use pnpm... otherwise I...

@MariuzM you'd at least need an `.npmrc` to get a flat `node_module` directory: ``` node-linker=hoisted ```

Yeah, this is probably the reason why this board is super-sensitive with chargers... The initial Raspberry Pi 4 had that "error" as well...

This one is tricky tbh... so I have a MBP M3 Pro 16" and _this_ is what auto-detect looks like: ![image]( So fonts and other distances somehow don't fit together...

Ok, somewhere I'm too stupid :-) Build went through just a few warnings but I don't quite get how it's supposed to start (also tried to understand the script) ```...