Even if worlds are linked properly on plugin side, you have to allow the default level nether to link overworld -> nether. This is spigot specification (that is not documented)....
Updated dependencies. I found some repo and dependencies that is unavailable in the past. Added them in pom.xml To use new build, get jar from following link: [AutoSaveWorld.jar.zip](https://github.com/Shevchik/AutoSaveWorld/files/5498942/AutoSaveWorld.jar.zip) If you...
@jjcf89 > Hmm ran into issue where the config file kept getting reset on load. Not sure why. Ended up switching to DriveBackup2 Because of [this line](https://github.com/LazyGon/AutoSaveWorld/blob/devel/src/main/java/autosaveworld/core/AutoSaveWorld.java#L159), config files are...