### What? Create marketing category for cookies categorised as marketing/advertising purpose and control cookies. ### Why? Allow users opt in or opt out to marketing cookies via the preferences centre...
## What? Limit the current number of months showing on the event calendar to the next 4 months (including current month). ## Why? Our current process is to add events...
Originally called "Allowing all essential cookies", this ticket now takes a step back in order to get a higher level view of all cookies in order to ensure we know...
# What? Add 'series' as a new content relationship to Story series. # Why? For the larger, evergreen content series (for example 'Inside our collections') users can discover series or...
Alert from Moz: > Moz was unable to crawl your site on Apr 12, 2024. Our crawler was banned by a page on your site, either through your robots.txt, the...
### What Build highlight tour stop page according to [designs]( - Breadcrumbs on desktop - X to close on tablet/mobile breakpoints - Next & previous (sticky to bottom of screen)...
### What Re-design the way in which the exhibition-specific visual story and the exhibition guides/resources (highlight tour and exhibition text) are displayed on Exhibition pages eg. [Jason]( Currently they sit...
### What 1. Stop 1 QR code is just a link to that exhibition guide landing page ([eg. the Jason exhibition guide landing page]( Links to audio highlight tour or...
Add transcripts on audio and video stop pages. - [x] Add new field to Prismic for BSL video transcript called 'Video subtitles' - [ ] Display transcript under audio stop...