@TheRealAyCe A mirrored screen effect is already there, but not swapping the keys -> this needs to be done before there’s a „real“ mirrored world effect :)
So another „Fake death“- Text? 🙂
„Suicide“-effects are not something we’re looking for
„Random Stunt Jump“ has already been created, all locations of collectibles would be a pain in the ass to collect 😅
Just to keep it up to date: this currently can be done via the „shortcuts“ feature
Already part of „spawn random vehicle“ ;P There’s also „Flying Cars“,so idk if this is something we need to add
> There's a caveat here; Deluxo can drive on and under water. That’s the Stromberg, not the deluxo
Too similar to „One Bullet Mags“ isn’t it?
So more like a „No Reload“ Hack? Never need to reload? Sounds more like „Infinite Ammo“ then 🤪
Timer durations are relative as they can be modified in the config app