Lars Fosdal
Lars Fosdal
To get the current console color, use WinApi.Windows function GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConsoleOutput: THandle; var lpConsoleScreenBufferInfo: TConsoleScreenBufferInfo): BOOL; stdcall; The TConsoleScreenBufferInfo structure is documented here: The wAttributes field contains the color info...
Personally - as a user of Mastodon - being able to hide or channel bots into separate streams would be very welcome.
We'll have that coffee eventually, I hope @norgepaul Is there a Delphi wrapper for Google PubSub around as well?
@arkadiusz-wolanski , > currently we evaluate DelphiKafkaClient. And so far it works great. We had to modify some points but it works. I'd be interested in seeing your changes as...
I concur. Good suggestions!
Image viewing needs to be full screen, pinch zoomable, and able to pan around the zoomed view.
Still present in 0.6.2 (Chrome Version 109.0.5414.120 (Official Build) (64-bit))