In `source/backend/cpu/CPUArgMax.cpp`, the onResize function acquire buffer space, but the buffer is then immediately released. The code is that : ``` backend()->onAcquireBuffer(&mInputBuffer, Backend::DYNAMIC); backend()->onAcquireBuffer(&mOutputBuffer, Backend::DYNAMIC); // release temp buffer space...
I found the exp function code in MNN is that: ``` float alpha = offset[0]; float beta = offset[1]; int remain = countC8 * 8; auto param = logf(2.0f); float...
请问crate random是不是还不能移植呢?因为它的依赖库getrandom涉及到了syscall吗?
I want to send a transaction signed with privatekey. And I try to do like this : ``` let web3 = web3::Web3::new(web3::transports::Http::new("http://localhost:8545")?); let seckey: secp256k1::key::SecretKey= "4d6f9e640ef9c982f1612e23966c4be3bc7b7105fb77239ca4718a881737ed42".parse().unwrap(); let tx=TransactionParameters{ to: Some("54aa76ac8c18fc4d268fff1551e6579972a3e192".parse().unwrap()),...