Vladimir Shchur

Results 78 comments of Vladimir Shchur

Hi! First of all want to thank you for this great library. I'm pretty happy with it's functionality, there are just several things that I missed to use it as...

@seniorquico thanks for raising the question. In my case only one last connection is used (last active tab), but I guess this should be configurable and one may want to...

Source generators is not dotnet, but csharp technology, so will be applicable only to csharp, with fsharp it won't be usable.

Yes, this makes sense, but isn't this wrapping a standard thing that will work for anyone? `SocketConnection.ConnectAsync `is a convenient method that hides `Socket` creation, so SslStream wrapping could be...

First, I want it to be transparent, just like in SE.Redis example, where we get `IDuplexPipe` no matter is it secure connection or normal. Second, as for api we need...

Ok, let the parameter be called `SslShimOptions` =) But looks like using this shim is the only way to get the job done as for today.

I can confirm that bookie 2.8.0 won't start without this change.

Hi! I've just commited [test for StartFromRollbackDuration](https://github.com/fsharplang-ru/pulsar-client-dotnet/blob/develop/tests/IntegrationTests/Reader.fs#L183-L208) and it works fine locally on 2.5.2, while fails in github actions, can you please check if it fails for you on 2.5.2?

I've just noticed one warning, fixing which seems to have fixed the github action as well, I'll publish a version today with this fix for you to try