
Results 55 comments of Lakr

And maybe something like this: ``` SPIndicator.presentProgress(message: "Hello") { indicator in // do some work Backend.shared.load { progress in indicator.send(progress) } // when done indicator.complete() } ```

Maybe we could learn from iOS it self? Make a copy from the view and fade it out. Currently I'm using a workaround, copy a image and make it...

刷新一下试试呢?这个 bundle 不见了 不像是没权限的问题。下个版本我把 AuxiliaryExecute 的符号放回去吧捂脸 > /var/containers/Bundle/Application/0F72384F-A879-4725-B9BB-E3567011D712/

Updated to 1.2.15 and have a try~

A crash that is happening to normal code won’t end up with no reg info like yours. ``` Register values: PC: 0x0 LR: 0x0 CPSR: 0x0 x0: 0x0 x1: 0x0...

> my ipad isn't jailbroken anymore so i have to assume it crashes when the share sheet appears? perhaps [this is of help]( ![Simulator Screen Shot - iPad mini (6th...

only occurs in some of the jailbreak, some of the devices, some of them, 100% crash if meet or works 100% fine if lucky.


I’m also looking for a jailbroken Apple TV. Any chance to have one some how?