Lak Moore
Lak Moore
I stumbled upon this problem and thought about trying to "fix" it in OxyPlot, but then I just did this: ``` if(this.Visible) { plotModel.InvalidatePlot(true); } ``` where "this" is the...
I _think_ Guinaro means WAILA, rather than NEI as written.
I would agree, consistent would be best. What about using the following in a Minetweaker script? NEI.overrideName(liquid:mithril, "Molten Mithril");
I wasn't suggesting a new feature... NEI.overrideName is a function of Minetweaker that already exists. I was suggesting that you try it to see if it fixes your problem. NEI.overrideName(liquid:mithril,...
If you set the parent View of your OxyPlot to a DataTemplate that creates a new OxyPlot each time then the OxyPlot cannot be cached. A new PlotModel and PlotView...
As @flyingxu said, you need to create a new PlotModel every time a new PlotView is used. Easiest way to achieve that is to construct the PlotModel within the same...